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Keith Moon to Paul Revere and the Raiders in 11 Steps

  1. Keith Moon was a member of the original Hollywood Vampires
  2. Hollywood Vampires was a celebrity drinking club that included John Lennon
  3. John Lennon produced Too Many Cooks
  4. Too Many Cooks features saxophone played by Bobby Keys
  5. Bobby Keys played sax for Subterranean Homesick Blues
  6. Subterranean Homesick Blues was sung by Harry Nilsson
  7. Harry Nilsson recorded Nilsson Schmilsson
  8. Nilsson Schmilsson includes bass played by Klaus Voormann
  9. Klaus Voormann played bass for Flash Harry
  10. Flash Harry includes guitar played by Keith Allison
  11. Keith Allison was a member of Paul Revere and the Raiders