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Harry Nilsson to EMI Publishing Co. in 10 Steps

  1. Harry Nilsson wrote Drumming is My Madness
  2. Drumming is My Madness features guitar played by Richie Zito
  3. Richie Zito played guitar for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  4. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features trombone played by Bruce Paulson
  5. Bruce Paulson played trombone for Back Off Boogaloo
  6. Back Off Boogaloo features drums played by Ringo Starr
  7. Ringo Starr played percussion for Duit on Mon Dei
  8. Duit on Mon Dei was arranged by Perry Botkin
  9. Perry Botkin wrote The Next Day
  10. The Next Day was published by EMI Publishing Co.