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Fred Tackett to Lew McCreary in 10 Steps

  1. Fred Tackett played guitar for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  2. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features drums played by Ringo Starr
  3. Ringo Starr produced Perhaps This is All a Dream
  4. Perhaps This is All a Dream was produced by Harry Nilsson
  5. Harry Nilsson sang Daylight Has Caught Me
  6. Daylight Has Caught Me was written by Dr. John
  7. Dr. John played piano for Duit on Mon Dei
  8. Duit on Mon Dei includes saxophone played by Gene Cipriano
  9. Gene Cipriano played saxophone for ...That's the Way It Is
  10. ...That's the Way It Is includes trombone played by Lew McCreary