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Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation to Jon Voight in 11 Steps

  1. Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation was produced by Ringo Starr
  2. Ringo Starr played drums for Drumming is My Madness
  3. Drumming is My Madness was produced by Harry Nilsson
  4. Harry Nilsson produced Vine Street
  5. Vine Street was published by Six Continents Music
  6. Six Continents Music published Maybe
  7. Maybe was recorded by Barbra Streisand
  8. Barbra Streisand attended high school with Neil Diamond
  9. Neil Diamond recorded Everybody's Talkin'
  10. Everybody's Talkin' is heard in Midnight Cowboy
  11. Midnight Cowboy features an appearance by Jon Voight