February 27 to Gettysburg in 14 Steps
- February 27 is the birthday of Michael Viner
- Michael Viner produced Bongo Rock '73
- Bongo Rock '73 features drums played by Kat Hendrikse
- Kat Hendrikse played drums for Bongo Rock
- Bongo Rock was arranged by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson wrote Cast And Crew
- Cast And Crew was published by Unichappell Music
- Unichappell Music published Det Kan Val Va Sa Har
- Det Kan Val Va Sa Har was written by Ian Freebairn-Smith
- Ian Freebairn-Smith wrote The Wailing of the Willow
- The Wailing of the Willow was recorded by Liza Minnelli
- Liza Minnelli was born on March 12
- March 12 is the birthday of Moctesuma Esparza
- Moctesuma Esparza produced Gettysburg