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Duit on Mon Dei to Little Cowboy in 12 Steps

  1. Duit on Mon Dei includes guitar played by Dennis Budimir
  2. Dennis Budimir played guitar for Back Off Boogaloo
  3. Back Off Boogaloo features drums played by Ringo Starr
  4. Ringo Starr produced The End (Moonbeam)
  5. The End (Moonbeam) was produced by Harry Nilsson
  6. Harry Nilsson sang Miss Butter's Lament
  7. Miss Butter's Lament was published by Unichappell Music
  8. Unichappell Music published Crois Tu Vraiment
  9. Crois Tu Vraiment was covered by Jocelyne
  10. Jocelyne was born on August 14
  11. August 14 is the birthday of Rick Jarrard
  12. Rick Jarrard produced Little Cowboy