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Duit on Mon Dei to In God We Trust (or Gimme That Prime Time Religion) in 12 Steps

  1. Duit on Mon Dei includes saxophone played by Trevor Lawrence
  2. Trevor Lawrence produced A Thousand Miles Away
  3. A Thousand Miles Away was sung by Harry Nilsson
  4. Harry Nilsson wrote Shango Man
  5. Shango Man was sung by Van Dyke Parks
  6. Van Dyke Parks arranged Popeye
  7. Popeye featured Robin Williams
  8. Robin Williams was born on July 21
  9. July 21 is the birthday of Mel Damski
  10. Mel Damski directed Yellowbeard
  11. Yellowbeard features an appearance by Marty Feldman
  12. Marty Feldman appears in In God We Trust (or Gimme That Prime Time Religion)