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Bobby Keys to Morris Pert in 10 Steps

  1. Bobby Keys played sax for Subterranean Homesick Blues
  2. Subterranean Homesick Blues was produced by John Lennon
  3. John Lennon wrote Blackbird
  4. Blackbird was written by Paul McCartney
  5. Paul McCartney appeared in a 1994 Public Service Announcement for Recording Artists, Actors, and Athletes Against Drunk Driving
  6. Recording Artists, Actors, and Athletes Against Drunk Driving created a PSA featuring Harry Nilsson
  7. Harry Nilsson produced Perhaps This is All a Dream
  8. Perhaps This is All a Dream features percussion played by Frank Riccotti
  9. Frank Riccotti played percussion for It Is He Who Will Be King
  10. It Is He Who Will Be King features drums played by Morris Pert