Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation to I'm Always Chasing Rainbows in 12 Steps
- Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation was produced by Ringo Starr
- Ringo Starr played drums for Back Off Boogaloo
- Back Off Boogaloo features bass played by Dennis Belfield
- Dennis Belfield played bass for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
- Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features guitar played by Dennis Budimir
- Dennis Budimir was born on June 20
- June 20 is the birthday of Diane Nilsson
- Diane Nilsson was the secretary of the fan club for the Family Tree
- The Family Tree was a band led by Bob Segarini
- Bob Segarini was introduced to Harry Nilsson in 1965 by Patty Faralla
- Patty Faralla introduced Harry Nilsson to Derek Taylor
- Derek Taylor produced I'm Always Chasing Rainbows