In October of 2014, Duke Special toured several cities in Ireland performing songs by Harry Nilsson. [1]
Duke Special and Friends - Gotta Get Up (Nilsson)
On September 11, 2014, Duke Special joined with the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra to perform songs by Harry Nilsson at the National Concert Hall.[2]
- [1] "Duke Special Presents the Songs of Harry Nilsson" (2014) (https:/
/ )entertainment. ie/ music/ duke- special- presents- the- songs- of- harry- nilsson- 268555/ - [2] The Irish Times, Tony Clayton-Lea (2014-09-02) "Harry Nilsson Gets the Duke's Special Treatment" (https:/
/ )www. irishtimes. com/ culture/ music/ harry- nilsson- gets- the- duke- s- special- treatment- 1. 1911867