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Duit on Mon Dei to Collage in 12 Steps

  1. Duit on Mon Dei includes guitar played by Jesse Ed Davis
  2. Jesse Ed Davis played guitar for Loop de Loop
  3. Loop de Loop was arranged by Harry Nilsson
  4. Harry Nilsson wrote Guess Who's Coming To Lunch
  5. Guess Who's Coming To Lunch was published by Unichappell Music
  6. Unichappell Music published Marchin' Down Broadway
  7. Marchin' Down Broadway was published by Six Continents Music
  8. Six Continents Music published Escape Possible
  9. Escape Possible was produced by Rick Jarrard
  10. Rick Jarrard produced There Will Never Be
  11. There Will Never Be was written by Perry Botkin
  12. Perry Botkin arranged the music for the first album by The Collage