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Din' We to ...That's the Way It Is in 12 Steps

  1. Din' We was written by Harry Nilsson
  2. Harry Nilsson testified before Congress in 1984 on February 24
  3. February 24 is the birthday of Nicky Hopkins
  4. Nicky Hopkins played piano for You're Sixteen
  5. You're Sixteen features guitar played by Vini Poncia
  6. Vini Poncia wrote Lady Gaye
  7. Lady Gaye features guitar played by Jesse Ed Davis
  8. Jesse Ed Davis played guitar for Duit on Mon Dei
  9. Duit on Mon Dei includes guitar played by Dennis Budimir
  10. Dennis Budimir played guitar for The Point!
  11. The Point! includes cello played by Armand Kaproff
  12. Armand Kaproff played cello for ...That's the Way It Is