Cynthia Henderson to David Driver in 14 Steps
- Cynthia Henderson recorded Take 54
- Take 54 was written by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson sang Daylight Has Caught Me
- Daylight Has Caught Me was written by Dr. John
- Dr. John played piano for Duit on Mon Dei
- Duit on Mon Dei includes timpani played by Gene Estes
- Gene Estes played percussion for ...That's the Way It Is
- ...That's the Way It Is includes guitar played by Danny Kortchmar
- Danny Kortchmar played guitar for Lady Gaye
- Lady Gaye features guitar played by Jesse Ed Davis
- Jesse Ed Davis played guitar for Loop de Loop
- Loop de Loop was arranged by John Lennon
- John Lennon produced Don't Forget Me
- Don't Forget Me was covered by David Driver