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Barbara Bach to Shrink Rap in 14 Steps

  1. Barbara Bach starred in Caveman
  2. Caveman featured Ringo Starr
  3. Ringo Starr produced Harry's Song
  4. Harry's Song was written by Richard Starkey
  5. Richard Starkey wrote Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  6. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features guitar played by Dennis Budimir
  7. Dennis Budimir was born on June 20
  8. June 20 is the birthday of Diane Nilsson
  9. Diane Nilsson was the secretary of the fan club for the Family Tree
  10. The Family Tree was a band led by Bob Segarini
  11. Bob Segarini is also known as Joseph Segarini
  12. Joseph Segarini wrote Miss Butter's Lament
  13. Miss Butter's Lament was written by Harry Nilsson
  14. Harry Nilsson wrote Shrink Rap